

"Elizabeth Gilbert: Success, failure and the drive to keep creating." March, 2014.



  Elizabeth Gilbert (伊莉莎白·吉兒伯特分享成為有名作者後的心路歷程。在完成回憶錄《飲食、祈禱、愛》(改編電影名:《享受吧!一個人的旅行》),她的人生遇到瓶頸。幾年來她天天認真寫作也收到數不清的拒絕信卻不怕失敗,成功後反而害怕以後的作品會不夠好;這樣的情緒讓專心寫作困難。


"So think of it like this: For most of your life, you live out your existence here in the middle of the chain of human experience where everything is normal and reassuring and regular, but failure catapults you abruptly way out over here into the blinding darkness of disappointment. Success catapults you just as abruptly but just as far way out over here into the equally blinding glare of fame and recognition and praise. And one of these fates is objectively seen by the world as bad, and the other one is objectively seen by the world as good, but your subconscious is completely incapable of discerning the difference between bad and good. The only thing that it is capable of feeling is the absolute value of this emotional equation, the exact distance that you have been flung from yourself. And there's a real equal danger in both cases of getting lost out there in the hinterlands of the psyche."


  在發現成功跟失敗對心理的影響後,Gilbert 提醒我們找回自己的方式,她說:

"But in both cases, it turns out that there is also the same remedy for self-restoration, and that is that you have got to find your way back home again as swiftly and smoothly as you can, and if you're wondering what your home is, here's a hint: Your home is whatever in this world you lovemore than you love yourself. So that might be creativity, it might be family, it might be invention, adventure, faith, service, it might be raising corgis, I don't know, your home is that thing to which you can dedicate your energies with such singular devotion that the ultimate results become inconsequential."

"回家"就能不再迷路。Gilbert 所說的"回家" 指的是回到你的最愛,我們愛它甚至多過愛自己。""可能是創造,是家人,是能付出而不求回報的領域。當我們迷失人生方向,要盡力回到最愛的家,一個值得我們愛的地方。




"Elizabeth Gilbert: Success, failure and the drive to keep creating." March, 2014.


"Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive genius." Feb, 2009.


Elizabeth Gilbert 談涵養創意



P.S Elizabeth Gilbert 談涵養創意跟"Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive genius."是同一篇

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